Henrik Pontoppidan

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1. Henrik Pontoppidans verk. Här upptages blott arbeten i bokform. Endast de nytryck som skiljer sig från originalupplagan anges. I övrigt hänvisas till Poul Carit Andersens bibliografi.

1881.Stækkede Vinger. 2 uppl. av Kirkeskuden 1897, av Et Endeligt 1904.
1883.Sandinge Menighed. En Fortælling. 2 uppl. 1903.
1885.Ung Elskov. Idyl. 2 uppl. Ung Elskov, Blade af en Mindekrans, 1906.
1886.Mimoser. Et Familjeliv.
1887.Fra Hytterne. Nye Landsbybilleder. 2 uppl. i Fortællinger I, 1899 innehåller En Fiskerrede och Idyl (Bonde-Idyl) från Landsbybilleder.
1887.Isbjørnen. Et Portræt. 2 uppl. i Fortællinger I, 1899.
1888.Spøgelser. En Historie.
1890.Skyer. Skildringer fra Provisoriernes Dage. 2 uppl. Skyer, Fortællinger fra Statsomvæltningens Dage 1885-1894, i Fortællinger II, 1899.
1890.Reisebilder aus Dänemark.
1890.Natur. To smaa Romaner. 2 uppl. av En Bonde i Fortællinger I, 1899, 2 uppl. av Vildt 1899.
1890.Krøniker. 2 uppl. i Fortællinger I, 1899. Av 1. uppl:s noveller har utgått: Sct. Peders List, De Vises Sten, Præsten og Herremanden, Grete Gaasepige, Præstesækken, Ungdom. Följande har tillkommit: Ørneflugt, En lille By, Den kloge Mand, Naar Vildgæssene trækker forbi. Forbandelsen i 1 uppl. är här omdöpt till Muldskud.
1891.Muld. Et Tidsbillede.
1892.Det forjættede Land. Et Tidsbillede.
1895.Dommens Dag. Et Tidsbillede.
1898.Det forjættede Land. Samlad, omarbetad uppl. av de tre föregående.
1893.Minder. 2 uppl. i Fortællinger I, 1899.
1894.Nattevagt. 2 uppl. 1905.
1894.Den gamle Adam. Skildring fra Alfarvej.
1896.Højsang. Skildring fra Alfarvej. 2 uppl. 1921.
1898.Lykke-Per, hans Ungdom.
1898.Lykke-Per finder Skatten.
1899.Lykke-Per, hans Kærlighed.
1899.Lykke-Per i det Fremmede.
1901.Lykke-Per, hans store Værk.
1902.Lykke-Per og hans Kæreste.
1903.Lykke-Per, hans Rejse til Amerika.
1904.Lykke-Per, hans sidste Kamp.
1905.Lykke-Per I-III. Samlad, omarbetad, förkortad uppl. av de åtta föreg.
1900.Lille Rødhætte. Et Portræt. 2 uppl. i To Portræter 1909. 3 uppl. under titeln Thora van Deken i Noveller og Skitser II, 1922.
1900.Det ideale Hjem. 2 uppl. i Noveller og Skitser III, 1930.
1902.De vilde Fugle. Et Skuespil.
1905.Borgmester Hoeck og Hustru. Et Dobbeltportræt.
1906.Asgaardsrejen. Et Skuespil.
1907.Det store Spøgelse.
1907.Hans Kvast og Melusine. 2 uppl. 1920.
1908.Den kongelige Gæst.
1912.Torben og Jytte. En Fortællingskres I.
1913.Storeholt. En Fortællingskres II.
1914.Toldere og Syndere. En Fortællingskres III.
1915.Enslevs Død. En Fortællingskres IV.
1916.Favsingholm. En Fortællingskres V.
1917.De Dødes Rige. Samlad, omarbetad, förkortad uppl. av de fem föreg.
1918.Et Kærlighedseventyr. 2 uppl. i Noveller og Skitser III, 1930.
1920.En Vinterrejse. Nogle Dagbogsblade. 2 uppl. Dagbogsblade, i Noveller og Skitser III, 1930.
1927.Mands Himmerig.
1938.Arv og Gæld.
1943.Undervejs til mig selv. Et Tilbageblik.

2. Övriga tryckta källor

Aakjær, J., Efterladte Erindringer. Khvn 1934.
Ahlström, G., Det moderna genombrottet i nordisk litteratur. Sthlm 1947.
Albeck, U., Dansk Stilistik. 2 Udg. Khvn 1945.
Andersen, H. C., Samlede Skrifter I-XIII. Khvn 1876-1879.
Andersen, J., Viggo Stuckenberg og hans Samtid. I-II. Khvn 1944.
Andersen, P. C., Henrik Pontoppidan. En Biografi og Bibliografi. Khvn 1934.
Andersen, V., Adam Oehlenschläger. Et Livs Poesi I-III. Khvn 1899-1900.
– Bacchustoget i Norden. Khvn 1904.
– Henrik Pontoppidan. Et nydansk Forfatterskab. Khvn 1917.
– Vilhelm Topsøe. Et Bidrag til den danske Realismes Historie. Khvn 1922. – Kritik. Sprog og Literatur. Khvn 1916.
Andersen Nexø, M., Pelle Erobreren I-IV. Khvn 1906-10.
– Henrik Pontoppidan 80 Aar. (Taler og Artikler 3. Khvn 1955.)
Anker Larsen, J., Pinsesolen. Khvn 1910.
Bang, H., Værker i Mindeudgave I-VI. Khvn 1912.
– Realisme og Realister, Khvn 1879.
– Kritiske Studier og Udkast. Khvn 1880.
Barfod, I., Den Falsterske Gejstligheds Personalhistorie, Nykjøbing F. 1851-1854.
Begtrup, H., Den danske Højskole I. Khvn 1936.
– Det danske Folks Historie i det 19de Aarhundrede IV. Khvn 1913-14.
– Dansk Menighedsliv i grundtvigske Kredse II. Khvn 1932.
Benedictsson, V., Skrifter i urval av Fredrik Böök. Sthlm 1950.
Bergsøe, V., Romaner og Fortællinger I-VI. Khvn 1913-14.
Billeskov Jansen, F. J., Poetik I-II. Khvn 1946 & 1948.
Björck, S., Romanens formvärld. Sthlm 1950.
Bjørnson, Bj., Samlede Værker. Standardudgave I-IX. Kra & Khvn 1919-20.
– Artikler og Taler I-II. Udg. af C. Collin og H. Eitrem. Kra & Khvn 1912-13.
Blicher, St. St., Noveller I-II. Khvn 1922.
Bomholt, J., Nordiske Profiler. Khvn 1945.
Borchsenius, O., Fra Henrik Pontoppidans Ungdom. Nat. Tid. 23. 7. 17.
Brandes, E., Et Besøg. Skuespil. Khvn 1882.
– En Politiker. Fortælling. Khvn 1889.
– Det unge Blod. Fortælling. Khvn 1899.
Brandes, G., Samlede Skrifter I-XVIII. Khvn 1899-1910.
– Det moderne Gjennembruds Mænd. Khvn 1883.
– Fugleperspektiv. Khvn 1913.
– Levned I-III. Khvn 1905-08.
Brandes, G. & E., Brevveksling med nordiske Forfattere og Videnskabsmænd I-VIII. Khvn 1939-42.
Brix, H., Gudernes Tungemaal. Khvn 1911.
– Danmarks Digtere. Khvn 1925.
Bruun, Chr., Folkelige Grundtanker. Kra 1878.
Brøndum-Nielsen, J., Dækket direkte Tale. (Festskrift til Vilhelm Andersen. Khvn 1934.)
– Dækning – Oratio tecta. Khvn 1953.
– Henrik Pontoppidans Stil. Aarhus Stiftstidende 24. 10. 43.
Bukdahl, J., Dansk national Kunst. Khvn 1929.
Bull, F., Paasche, F. & Winsnæs, A. H., Norsk Litteraturhistorie IV-V. Oslo 1937.
Bæhrendtz, N. E., Alexander Kiellands litterära genombrott. Akad. avh. Sthlm 1952.
Bøgh, N., Christian Winther. Et Livsbillede. I-III. Khvn 1893-1901.
Böök, F., Verner von Heidenstam I. Sthlm 1945.
– Victoria Benedictsson och Georg Brandes. Sthlm 1949.
– Victoria Benedictsson. Minnesteckning. Sthlm 1950.
Christensen, G., Striden mellem gammelt og nyt i dansk literatur 1870-1900. Edda 1916.
Christiansen, E., Joppe. Khvn 1889.
Clausen, C., Mands Minde. Berl. Aftenavis Kronik 30. 7. 49.
Claussen, S., Naturbarn. Khvn 1887.
– Mina. Et Digt om Byen. Khvn 1889.
– Unge Bander. Khvn 1894.
– Kitty. Khvn 1895.
– Pilefløjter. Khvn 1899.
Collett, C., Skrifter. Ny forøget omarbejdet Udgave. Kra & Khvn 1892-94.
Dinesen, W., Jagtbreve af Boganis. Khvn 1889 & 1892.
Dostojevskij, F., Raskolnikov. Overs. af Erna Juel-Hansen. Khvn 1884.
– Fyrst Mysjkin. Overs, af Erna Juel-Hansen. Khvn 1887.
Drachmann, H., Samlede poetiske Skrifter. Folkeudgave. Khvn 1906-09.
Drewsen, V., En Livsanskuelse grundet paa Elskov. Khvn 1881.
Dumreicher, C., Henrik Pontoppidan. (Axel Pontoppidan, Den yngre Slægt Pontoppidan. Khvn 1931.)
– Fra Henrik Pontoppidans Skoletid. (Tilsk. 1932, II.)
Ekelund, E., Ola Hanssons ungdomsdiktning. Akad. avh. Helsingfors 1930.
Ellinger, H. O. G., Fra det gamle Hofteaters sidste Dage. Berl. Tid:s Søndagstillæg 1. 3. 31.
Elvius, S., Danmarks Præstehistorie i Aarene 1869-1884. Khvn 1885-87.
Ewald, C., Lindegrenen. Khvn 1886.
– Den gamle Stue. Khvn 1895.
Feilberg, L., Samlede Skrifter I-II. Khvn 1948.
Frederiksen, E., Johannes Jørgensens Ungdom. Khvn 1946.
– Omkring Johannes Jørgensen. Edda 1936.
Friedemann, K., Die Rolle des Erzählers in der Epik. Leipzig 1910.
Gad, C., Omkring Kulturkrisen. Khvn 1929.
Garborg, A., Forteljingar og Sogur. Khvn 1929.
– Mannfolk. Kra 1886.
– Trætte Mænd. Kra 1891.
Geismar, O., Nogle Digterprofiler. Khvn 1906.
– Digterprofiler. Khvn 1916.
Gjellerup, K., En Idealist, af Epigonos. Khvn 1878.
– Det unge Danmark. Khvn 1879.
– Germanernes Lærling. Khvn 1882.
– Brynhild. Tragedie. Khvn 1884.
– St. Just. Tragedie. Khvn 1885.
– Min Kjærligheds Bog. Khvn 1889.
– Kong Hjarne Skjald. Khvn 1893.
– Minna. Khvn 1889.
– Møllen. Khvn 1896.
Goldschmidt, M. A., Goldschmidt i Folkeudgave ved Julius Salomon, I-VIII. Khvn 1908-10.
Grohshennig, M. & Hauch-Fausbøll, Th., Danmarks Præstehistorie i Aarene 1884-1911. Khvn 1914-32.
Grundtvig, N. F. S., Udvalgte Skrifter I-X, ved Holger Begtrup. Khvn 1904 ff.
Gulmann, Chr., Henrik Pontoppidan. (Ord och Bild 1907.)
Hansson, O., Litterära silhuetter. (Samlade skrifter II, Sthlm 1920.)
– Ur minnet och dagboken. Sthlm 1926.
– Dänische Nachtwache. (Die Nation 14. 7. 1894.)
Hartmann, E. von, Det omedvetnas filosofi I-II. Sthlm 1877-78.
Hayakawa, S. J., Vårt språk och vår värld. Sthlm 1952.
Heiberg, J. L., Poetiske Skrifter II. Khvn 1862.
Hendriksen, Fr., Mennesker og Oplevelser. Khvn 1910.
Henriques, A., Litteraturforstaaelse. Khvn 1950.
Holberg, L., Comoedier, udg. ved F. L. Liebenberg, I-VIII. Khvn 1848-54.
Hostrup, Chr., Eva. Skuespil. Khvn 1881.
– Folkelige Foredrag. Khvn 1882.
Ibsen, H., Samlede Værker I-IX. Khvn 1898-1900.
Knudsen, Chr. P. Th., Fastrupbogen "Klaps". Otte Aar i Horsens lærde Skole. Viborg 1908.
Knudsen, J., Den gamle Præst. Khvn 1899.
Jacobsen, J. P., Samlede Skrifter I-II. Khvn 1906.
– Digte og Udkast. Udg. ved E. Brandes og V. Møller. Khvn 1886.
Jensen, C. E., Vore Dages Digtere. Khvn 1898.
Johansen, J., Ved Lykke-Pers Grav. Khvn 1946.
Jørgensen, J., Udvalgte Værker. I-VII. Khvn 1915.
– Foraarssagn. Khvn 1888.
– Geschichte der dänischen Literatur. Kempten & München 1908.
– Mit Livs Legende I-II. Samlet, omarbejdet Udgave. Khvn 1949.
Kielland, A., Samlede Digterværker. Standardudgave I-V. Kra & Khvn.
Kierkegaard, S., Samlede Værker I-XIV, udg. af A. B. Drachmann, J. L. Heiberg og H. O. Lange. Khvn 1901-05.
Kristensen, S. Møller, Digteren og Samfundet i Danmark i det 19de Aarhundrede II. Khvn 1945.
– Æstetiske Studier i dansk Fiktionsprosa 1870-1900. Khvn 1938.
– Impressionismen i dansk Prosa 1870-1900. Khvn 1955.
Krohg, Chr., Kampen for Tilværelsen I-IV. Khvn 1902-21.
– Minnesutställning i Kungl. Akademien för de fria konsterna. Sthlm 23 oktober-28 november 1954.
Lange, S., Hjertets Gerninger. Roman. Khvn 1900.
– Henrik Pontoppidan. (Det ny Aarhundrede 3. 1905-06.)
– Meninger om Litteratur. Khvn 1929.
Lange, Th., Aaen og Havet. Khvn 1870.
– Romantiske Skildringer. Khvn 1872.
Lauridsen, O., Henrik Pontoppidans Stilling til Radikalismen. Edda 1938.
Leopold, S., Erindringer III. Khvn 1928.
Levin, P., Familjen Salomon i Henrik Pontoppidans Lykke-Per. Tilsk. 1906.
Linder, S., Ernst Ahlgren i hennes romaner. Akad. avh. Sthlm 1930.
– Ibsen, Strindberg och andra. Litteraturhistoriska essäer. Sthlm 1936.
Lindhardt, P. G., Præsten Dines Pontoppidan. (Acta Jutlandica 1948.)
– Morten Pontoppidan I, 1851-1893. (Acta Jutlandica 1950.)
– Morten Pontoppidan II, 1894-1931. (Acta Jutlandica 1953.)
Lundegård, A., I gryningen. Uppsala 1885.
– Röde Prinsen. Sthlm 1889.
– Prometheus I-II. Sthlm 1893.
– Struense I-III. Sthlm 1898-1900.
Lundevall, K. E., Från åttital till nittital. Akad. avh. Sthlm 1953.
Martensen, H. L., Den christelige Ethik. I. Khvn 1871.
Nathansen, H., Af Hugo Davids Liv. Roman, I-IV. Khvn 1917.
Nielsen, A., Fra Landet. Folkeudgave. Khvn 1911.
Nielsen, Fr., J. P. Jacobsen. Digteren og Mennesket. Akad. avh. Khvn 1953-
Nielsen, L. C., Frederik V. Hegel, I-II. Et Mindeskrift. Khvn 1909.
Nielsen, Z., Minder I-II. Khvn 1905 & 1911.
Nietzsche, Fr., Werke I-XI. Taschenausgabe. Leipzig 1906.
Oehlenschläger, A., Digterværker VI. Khvn 1845.
Ostermann, H., Missionærer og Præster i Diskobugten 1734-1910. (Kirkehistoriske Samlinger, 5te Række, 6. Khvn 1911-13.)
Peterson, C., & Andersen, V., Illustreret dansk Litteraturhistorie III-IV. Khvn 1924-25.
Pontoppidan, A., Den yngre Slægt Pontoppidan. Khvn 1931.
Pontoppidan, D., Kirkelige Taler til Præster og Lægfolk. Khvn 1849.
Pontoppidan, M., Dansk Kirkeliv i Mands Minde. Khvn 1916.
– Minder og Oplevelser. Khvn 1922.
– Fra Henrik Pontoppidans Barndom og Ungdom. (Gads danske Magasin 1927).
Poulsen, F., I det gæstfrie Europa. Khvn 1947.
– Da Lykke-Per udkom. (Politikens Kronik 24. 7. 32.)
Povlsen, A., Dines Pontoppidan. (Axel Pontoppidan, Den yngre Slægt Pontoppidan. Khvn 1931.)
Rimestad Chr., Fra Stuckenberg til Seedorff I. Khvn 1922.
Rink, H., Grønland, geografisk og statistisk beskrevet I-II. Khvn 1849.
Rist, P. F., En Rekrut fra 64. Khvn 1889.
Rode, H., Styrke. Khvn 1891.
– Hvide Blomster. Khvn 1892.
– Krig og Aand. Khvn 1917.
– Regenerationen i vort Aandsliv. Udvalgte Kritiker I. Khvn 1923.
– Det sjælelige Gennembrud. Udvalgte Kritiker II. Khvn 1924.
Rubow, P. V., Saga og Pastiche. Khvn 1923.
– Holger Drachmann I-III. Khvn 1940-50.
– Smaa kritiske Breve. Khvn 1937.
– Betragtninger. Khvn 1947.
– Sproget og Stilen. Khvn 1949.
– Den impressionistiske Stil. (Scrap-Book. Khvn 1939.)
Schandorph, S., Fra Provinsen. Khvn 1876.
– Uden Midtpunkt. Fortælling. Khvn 1878.
– Fem Fortællinger. Khvn 1879.
– Smaafolk. Fortælling. Khvn 1880.
– Thomas Fries's Historie I-II. Fortælling. Khvn 1881.
– Novelletter. Khvn 1882.
– Birgittes Skæbne. Khvn 1888.
– Oplevelser. I-II. Khvn 1889 & 1898.
Schultz' Danmarkshistorie V. Khvn 1942.
Schwartz, A., Skagen, Den svundne Tid. Khvn 1912.
Skovrup, E., Hovedtræk af nordisk Digtning i Nytiden. Khvn 1921.
Skram, E., Gertrude Coldbjørnsen. Khvn 1879.
Skrubbeltrang, Fr., Husmænd i Danmark gennem 300 Aar. (Vi og vor Fortid IX. Khvn 1942.)
Stangerup, H., Kulturkampen I-1I. Khvn 1946.
– Portrætter og Protester. Khvn 1940.
Stuckenberg, V., Samlede Værker I-III. Khvn 1910-11.
Thomsen, E., Henrik Pontoppidan til Minde. Redaktion Ejnar Thomsen. Khvn 1944.
Tiander, K., Turgenev i dansk Aandsliv. Khvn 1913.
Tigerschiöld, B., J. P. Jacobsen och hans roman Niels Lyhne. Akad. avh. Göteborg 1945.
Tolstoy, L., Anna Karenin. Overs. af W. Gerstenberg. Khvn 1889.
– Krig og Fred. Overs. af Edvard Brandes. Khvn 1885.
Topsøe, V., Samlede Fortællinger I-III. Khvn 1891.
Vedel, V., Nydannelse i Tidens Aandsliv. Et Foredrag. Khvn 1892.
– Moderne Digtning. (Ny Jord 1888.)
– Humanisme. Khvn 1898.
– Nicodemus' Skriftemaal. Khvn 1901.
– Firsernes Førere. Khvn 1923.
Verkade, J., Die Unruhe zu Gott. Freiburg in Breisgau 1920.
Wohl, C., Henrik Pontoppidan I-III. Khvn 1945.
Zola, E., Les oeuvres complètes. Paris 1927-29. Vol. 8, L'Assommoir, vol. 16, La Terre, vol. 17, Le Rêve.

3. Otryckta källor.

Brev från Henrik Pontoppidan till Inger Cavallin, f. Holt, 1931-39. I adressatens ägo.
Brev från Henrik Pontoppidan till Axel Lundegård, 1887-1928. Lunds Universitetsbibliotek.
Brev från Knud Pontoppidan till Karl Povlsen, 1869-1870. Rigsarkivet, Khvn.
Brev från Henrik Pontoppidan till Christian Jessen, 1873. Randers Centralbibliotek.
Brev från Henrik Pontoppidan till Niels Jeppesen, 1914-1942. I adressatens ägo.
Det Kongelige Biblioteks Lånejournaler 1877-1882. Khvn.
Universitetsbibliotekets Lånejournaler 1877-1882. Khvn.
Det Kongelige Teaters Journal over indsendte Arbejder 1874-1880. Rigsarkivet, Khvn.
Det Kongelige Frederiks Hospitals Sygejournaler 1876. Rigsarkivet, Khvn.


Register över Pontoppidans verk

Af Pigen Marthas Historie 256
Ane-Mette 44 213 343
Arv 44 335 342-343 344
Arv og Gæld 39 80 122 138 139 141 190 202 205 208 221 330 345 385 396 413 414 422 427 428 429 433 436
Asgaardsrejen 307
Blufærdighed 273
Bonde-Idyl 46 334
Borgmester Hoeck og Hustru 133 276 310-313 317 319 435
Breve fra Landsmænd 19 159 433
Danmark (dikt) 235-236
De Dødes Rige (se även Torben og Jytte, Storeholt, Toldere og Syndere, Enslevs Død, Favsingholm) 17 19 22 46 53 62 90-92 102 127 140 147 152 156 159 161-184 209 239 283 287 316 347 352 392-409 416 419 426
Den første Gendarm 344
Den gamle Adam 70-71 72 225-229 233 274 276 277-285 288 289 299 302 312 323 357-362 431
Den gule Rose 222 430
Den kloge Mand 250 344
Den kongelige Gæst 240-241 313-320 435
Den sorte Aline 424
Den stærke Skrædder 71-72 441
Der Teufel am Herd 295
Det forjættede Land (se även Muld, Dommens Dag) 17 21 22 23 36 41 46 50-55 56 62 64 71 75 76 78 79 87 88 95 129 131 141 143 145 153 165 170 178 179 180 193 194 206 208 210 211-219 220 223 226 227 231 236 237 239 252 280 297-298 303 307 347 351 364 366 383 392-409 416 419 420 426 429 430 431 432 440
Det ideale Hjem 150 153-156 157 158 175 228 232 242 250 253 264 276 280 283 284 303-310 312 315 433
Det store Spøgelse 148 149 150 242-244
De vilde Fugle 291-295
Digterliv 374-376
Dommens Dag (se även Det forjættede Land) 45 53 63 64 66 68 73-76 81-86 88 100 101 153 218 219 298 358 390 395 419
Drengeaar 35 59 76 104 105 106 107 108 115 116 117 118 120 127 136 325 327 422 428 434 435
Efter Ballet 121 129 332 335 437
En Bonde 198 383
En falsk Etikette 55
En Fiskerrede 385 429
En Forhistorie 173
En Kjærlighedshistorie 191 249-253 255 257 258 344
En Kvaksalver 172
En lille By 344 430
Enslevs Død (se även De Dødes Rige) 91 164 170 175 176 419
En Vandringsmand 339
En Vinterrejse 68 193 231 232 233 239 240
Esther 332
Et Endeligt 39 43 44 45 171 333 336 337 342 346 414
Et Kærlighedseventyr 158 170 182 230 241-242 441
Et Offer 250 344
Familjeliv 35 51 53 58 59 98 122 127 143 146 149 150 159 169 204 205 365 382 383 391 415 425 427 429 432 433
Favsingholm (se även De Dødes Rige) 91 92 156 164 169 170 173 176 178 180 182 183 410 419 420 429
Forbandelsen 424
Fra Drengeårene 136 325
Fra Hytterne 21 43 46 52 211 270 323 339 341 342 343 348 363 371 376 381 414 434
Hamskifte 59 63 117 118 122 125 128 135 138 143 158 189 208 326 328 329 330 332 349 359 395 423 424 427 429 437 438 440
Hans Kvast og Melusine 157 230 233 295 378
Hans og Trine 250 252 271 344
Havet og Klitten 229
Havfruens Sang 219-220
Hjemve 331-332 425 427
Hjertensfryd 344
Højsang 25 81 153 230 233-236 240 256 280 285-296 297 302 323 357-362 390 424 432
Idyl 46
Ilum Galgebakke 180 283 339 438
Isbjørnen 46 47 189 193 211 230 259 307 323 348 352 353-355 427 439 441
Kasper Kappers Endeligt 346
Kirken og dens Mænd 90 410 419 428
Kirkeskuden 39 40 45 209 236 254 255 325 334-338 342 343 345 384 413 4M 435 438
Knokkelmanden 43
Kronjyder og Molboer 190 197 221 222 225
Krøniker 69-73 124 219 220 364 374 375 424
Landsbybilleder 46 52 209 249 323 334 335 336 342 344 346 347 348 352 429 437 438
Lille Rødhætte 150 276 299-303 415 427
Lykke-Per 17 18 21 22 23 36 38 42 44 46 49 53 54 56 57 58 59 62 65 67 70 87-90 95-123 126-151 152 153 154 157 159 160 161 165 166 168 174 178 179 180 189 191 193 196 224 226 227 229 230 233 236-240 241 242 280 281 283 285 286 287 290 293 294 298 299 309 310 313 315 317 325 326 329 330 337 351 390 391 392-409 411 413 415 416 417 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 429 432 434 436 440 441 442
Mands Himmerig 156 181-182 284 307 427
Menneskenes Børn 69-70 181
Mimoser 211 230 257 259-269 270 271 272 276 283 302 312 323 334 348 350 351 427 431 433 439
Minder 70 220-225 272 276 323 357-362 389 430 431 439
Morgendug 123-126
Mosekonen 428
Muld (se även Det forjættede Land) 21 22 52 54 55 131 212 214 215 216 397 402 411 429
Muldskud 424
Naadsensbred 414
Naar Vildgæssene trækker forbi 314
Nattergalene 370-371
Nattevagt 180 220 278 307 323 377 378 381-392 429 441 442
Natur 198 201 383
Norske Profeter og Zola'ske Bønder 271 342 438
Pigen med Klumpfoden 226
Præstesækken 69
Reisebilder aus Dänemark 194 429 431
Sandinge Menighed 41-46 53 75 80 81 191 223 232 249 254 255 257 323 334 335 336 339 340 342 343 345 346 348 349 350 352 380 385 433
Set Peders List 69
Skyer 70 180 283 284 323 339 344 363 371 381 383 438
Spøgelser 48-50 53 96 151-153 178 196-198 211 217 257 267 323 348 350 355-357 363 391 415 427
Storeholt (se även De Dødes Rige) 127 128 162 163 170 419
Stækkede Vinger 20 39 43 129 323 325 332-339 345 346 351 423 437
Svend Morgendug 123-126
Syndebukken 97 105 142
Tête à Tête 129 332
Thora van Deken (se även Lille Rødhætte) 299
To Digterhjem 372-373
Toldere og Syndere (se även De Dødes Rige) 165 170 174 416 421
Torben og Jytte (se även De Dødes Rige) 103 164 169 170 172 173 397 441
Tro til Døden 383
Undervejs til mig selv 24 27 38 42 73 89 97 107 108 115 120 125 140 160 161 169 187 189 279 298 415 423 425 429 433
Ungdom 402 430
Ung Elskov 48 148 193 194-196 200 211 223 249 255-259 276 323 340 341 347 348 349 350
Vestfyen 219 220 225 220 227
Vildt 70 153 198-204 220 230 234 285 287 323 357-362 364 428
Vinterbillede 41 344
Ørneflugt 123-124




Aakjær, J., 21 162 399
Aaskilde, H., 213
Ahlgren, E., se Benedictsson
Ahlström, G., 23
Andersen, H. C., 30 123 191 326 332 336 443
Andersen, J., 434
Andersen Nexø, M., 21 162 213 399 411 430
Andersen, P., 434
Andersen, P. C., 372 410 440
Andersen, V., 25 27 28 29 125 217 330 349 376 381 410 411 412 420 421 424 425 426 430 436 439 441
Augustinus 161
Bæhrendtz, N. E., 432
Ballin, M., 58 60
Balzac, H. de, 23 373
Bang, H., 20 22 23 247 248 257 327 333 365 399 425 429 435 443
Barfod, F., 75
Barfod, I., 425
Beck, V, 83
Becker, K., 21
Benedictsson, V. (Ernst Ahlgren), 252 369 432 433 436 440
Bergsøe, V., 22 326
Bernhard, C., 326
Bernhard, E., 327 421
Billeskov Jansen, F. J., 412
Bindesbøll, T., 386
Birkedal, V., 75 82
Bisted, E. C. M., 413
Bisted, E. D., 413
Bisted, L. P. F., f. Tornøe, 413
Bjørnson, B., 56 82 191 231 247 248 249 251 259 260 262 266 268 269 271 274 293 306 326 331 332 336 341 384 424 432 433 438
Blicher, St. St., 17 127 190 196 258 326 336
Bojesen, E., 275
Bojesen, F. E., 75
Bomholt, J., 412 435
Borchsenius, O., 44 71 141 333 336 347 379 384 413 414 423 437 438 441
Brahe, T., 164
Brandes, Edv., 36 51 72 107 194 195 201 204 205 206 258 260 265 270 280 281 282 285 286 291 294 315 316 330 336 346 355 357 363 364 379 403 410 411 421 424 433 434 436 437 443
Brandes, Ernst, 51 65 67 204 277 364
Brandes, G., 35 88 121 134 146 147 149 150 151 165 166 204 247 260 262 264 265 268 270 290 324 329 330 331 344 348 364 365 381 387 396 411 423 432 433 434 435 436 437 440
Bregendahl, M., 162
Brion, M., 435
Brix, H., 131 438
Brorson, H. A., 76
Brunn, C., 77 418
Brücker, V., 82 83 84
Brøchner, H., 435
Brøndum-Nielsen, J., 400 442 443
Bøgh, E., 345 380 414
Bøgh, N., 428 440
Böök, F., 411 433 436
Cavallin, L, f. Holt, 412, 413 416 417 420 425 434
Cavling, H., 165
Christensen, G., 439
Christensen, J. C., 91 165
Christiani, A. C. E., 41
Christiansen, E., 393 395 404
Christiansen, G., 221
Clausen, C., 415 425
Clausen, C. C., 410 423
Claussen, S., 226 269 364
Collett, C., 247
Cooper, F., 326
Corot, C., 201
Dante, 59 90
Darwin, Ch., 326
Davidsen, C. T., 166
Dickens, Ch., 355 393
Dinesen, K., 317
Dinesen, W. (Boganis), 368
Dostojevskij, F., 395
Drachmann, H., 30 129 192 194 195 217 230 234 235 248 253 269 278 294 295 301 316 317 330 331 332 333 338 346 349 360 365 368 384 390 391 394 414 424 428 429 432 437 438
Drewsen, V., 269
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 60
Dumreicher, C., 116 117 414 422 423 428 435 436
Eckhardt, Mäster, 58 90
Edgren, A. C., f. Leffler, 436
Ekelund, E., 429
Ellinger, H. O. G., 435
Ellgaard, B., 270
Elmquist, T., 418
Elvius, S., 413 414 416
Esmann, G., 204 270 370 429
Estrup, J. B. S., 79 381
Etlar, C. (C. Brosbøll), 326 399
Ewald, C., 270
Ewald, H. F., 326
Feilbcrg, E., 141 142 155 156 157 158 175 425
Fischer, L., 21
Frederiksen, E., 194 416 428 434 440
Frijs, M., 166
Gad, C., 26
Galschiøt, M., 190 219 221 225
Garborg, A., 247 260 261 262 265 282 384
Gauguin, P., 442
Geijerstam, G. af, 434
Geismar, O., 37 307 411 421
Gjellerup, K., 23 260 270 278 301 330 331 333 349 378 384 411 412
Goethe, J. W. v., 362 396
Goldschmidt, M. A., 19 20 22 196 280 358 359 393 396 400 410 443
Grohshennig, M., 419 426
Groot, G., 90
Grundtvig, E., 260 265
Grundtvig, N. F. S., 75 76 77 416 419
Gulmann, C., 276 411
Gyllembourg, T., 264
Hansen, P., 301
Hansen ("Schaffalitzky"), 162 210 287 330 349 388 395 427 437
Hansson, O., 429 442
Hartmann, E. v., 158
Hauch-Fausboll, T., 419 426
Hauschultz, R., 422 435
Hayakawa, S. J., 427
Hegel, F. V., 50 130 141 259 266 267 414 433 434 436
Heiberg, A. C. L., 78 418
Heiberg, G., 260
Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, 360 432
Heiberg, Johanne Luise, 435
Heidenstam, V. v., 23 167 375 376 377 384 391 411
Hemmingsen, N., 164
Hendriksen, F., 209 386 414 429 433 437
Henrichsen, E., 98 181 427
Hirschsprung, A., 130 424
Hirschsprung, H., 130
Hjort B. K., 162
Hoff, J., 430 431
Holberg, L., 344, 433 435
Holm, H., 412
Holm, L, 429
Holm, V. (Voldemar), 368
Holten, H. N., 109 228 422
Hostrup, C., 43 265 266 330
Høffding, H., 139 411
Højberg, N. L., 418
Hørup, V., 165 364
Ibsen, H., 24 59 60 74 96 100 181 231 234 247 266 267 281 283 288 326 332 432
Ipsen, A., 384 435
Irminger, V., 59 Co
Jacobsen, C., 61 417
Jacobsen, F., 117 414
Jacobsen, J. P., 17 20 22 23 30 88 140 143 144 192 195 210 247 248 257 301 326 331 332 336 348 349 365 368 399 402 413 428 435 437 439
Jacobsen, N., 431
Jensen, C. E., 441
Jensen, J. V., 18 20 23 31 162 293 343 399
Jensen, K. M., 214
Jeppesen, N., 166 296 410 413 414 419 426 434 438 439
Jespersen, H. L., 413
Jespersen, O., 412
Jessen, C., 117 327
Jæger, H., 247, 261, 275
Jørgensen, J., 57 58 88 195 218 223 270 290 291 357 360 363 364 384 386 413 416 428 430 432 434 439 440
Kahrs, O. C., 428
Kampmann, N. Ø., 111
Kehler, H., 20 413
Keller, G., 359
Kielland, A., 22 191 210 248 250 253 255 262 267 268 330 332 333 336 338 348 437
Kierkegaard, S., 35 38 47 55 85 137 139 414 419
Kildsig, L, 419
Kinck, H., 396
Kirk, H., 21
Knudsen, C. P. T., 166 426
Knudsen, J., 162 165 166 399
Kocher, T., 172
Kold, K., 42 77 414
Kornerup, A., 189
Kornerup, B., 109 422
Kragballe, L., 426
Krause, J. E., f. Pontoppidan, 51 204 284 415 418 428
Kristensen, T., 19 26 443
Krohg, C., 261 385 386 442
Kromann, K., 412
Kroohn, H., 436
Krøyer, S., 209 285 383 385
Landmark, N., 228
Lange, S., 22 166 410 411 426
Lange, T., 196 221
Larsen, J. Anker, 426
Larsen, Anna, 165
Larsson, J. Hans-, 429
Lauridsen, O., 434
Leopold, S., 424
Levin, P., 420 421 436
Lie, J., 22 253
Lindberg, J. C., 75
Lindhardt, P. G., 29 78 80 85 106 109 112 417 418 419 422 423 425 435
Lundegård, A., 19 23 36 60 107 122 169 170 171 187 205 206 232 261 274 278 292 293 295 296 304 307 317 323 331 369 370 376 382 384 387 388 392 393 394 404 410 415 417 428 432 434 435 436 440 441 442
Lundegård, J., 304 410
Lundevall, K.-E., 437 441
Madigan, E., 277
Madsen, O., 384
Marryat, F., 326
Martensen, H. L., 63 325 400
Meyer, 139
Molbech, 332 424
Mols, N. P., 285
Monrad, D. G., 54
Müller, J. P., 171
Mynster, J. P., 85
Møller, N., 99
Møller, P. M., 359
Møller Kristensen, S., 25 340 400 410 412 437 439
Nansen, P., 204 222 270 315 368 375 384
Nathansen, H., 400 443
Neergaard, N., 166
Neiiendam, M., 419
Nielsen, A., 96 251 252 341 344 420 432
Nielsen, F., 144
Nielsen, Hans, 213 214
Nielsen, Harald, 181 182
Nielsen, L., 80
Nielsen, L. C., 433 434
Nielsen, Z., 302 438
Nietzsche, F., 54 146 149 150 151 155 161 179 182 231 365 401
Nordensvan, G., 442
Noreen, A., 412
Nyegaard, L., 410 Nygaard, F., 65
Nørgaard, A., 65
Oehlenschläger, A., 29 121 327 332 370 376 423 432
Olsson, H., 411
Ostenfeld, E., f. Pontoppidan, 103 109 421
Ostenfeld, H., 91 419
Ostenfeld, L, 414
Ostermann, H., 415
Overskou, T., 424
Oxenbøll, M., 108 127 135 310
Palladius, P., 164
Paludan-Müller, F., 30 313
Petersen, C., 436
Plato, 57
Pontoppidan, Antoinette, f. Kofoed, 51 59 152 159 279 298 304 418
Pontoppidan, Axel, 414
Pontoppidan, Birgitte Marie, f. Oxenbøll, 39 40 77 105 106 118 160 325 422
Pontoppidan, Børge, 47
Pontoppidan, Dines, 36 39 40 41 47 75 76 77 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 135 137 138 142 160 310 313 324 325 328 353 415 417 421 422 424 425 428 435 439
Pontoppidan, Erik, 105 132 133 136
Pontoppidan, Hans Broby, 51 204 284 438
Pontoppidan, Hans Peter, 111 139
Pontoppidan, Holger, 111
Pontoppidan, Inger, 133
Pontoppidan, Johanne, 109
Pontoppidan, Julie, f. Marstrand, 80
Pontoppidan, Karen, 53 143 211 213 214 416
Pontoppidan, Knud, 105 110 111 113 117 172 430 431
Pontoppidan, Margrethe, in Pontoppidan, Marie, 111
Pontoppidan, Mathilde, 111 416
Pontoppidan, Mette Marie, f. Hansen, 42 50 51 80 204 207 213 214 252 259 298 415 416 428 429
Pontoppidan, Morten, 39 41 42 43 76-87 103 105 108 109 110 111 112 114 133 138 212 265 266 267 414 416 417 418 419 421 422 424 425 433 435
Pontoppidan, Valdemar, 111
Poulsen, F., 37 103
Povlsen, A., 109 110 422
Povlsen, K., 110 111 418 430
Rafael, 382
Rasmussen, A., 90 91
Rasmussen, H., 418
Recke, E. v. d., 412
Renan, E., 139
Reuter, F., 50 211
Ribbing, S., 271 272
Rink, H., 427
Rist, P. F., 368
Rode, H., 18 99 165 182 290 426
Rohde, J., 188 201 382 383 411 413 441
Rousseau, J. J., 139
Rubow, P., 167 294 299 410 411 412 414 424 434 439 442
Ruysbroek, J. v., 90
Rydberg, V., 139
Sauerbrey, 276
Schad, G., 166
Schandorph, S., 250 253 268 327 330 332 333 341 343 344 346 368 379 435 436 437 438 439
Schemann, L., 412
Schopenhauer, A., 146 179 182 183 241
Schrøder, L., 77
Schwanenflügel, H., 437
Schyberg, F., 402 442 443
Shakespeare, W., 59
Sibbern, 139
Sidenius, L, 132
Sidenius Pontoppidan, I., 132
Siesbye, O., 413
Sinding, S., 275
Skjoldborg, J., 162
Skram, A., 261 366 367 368 404
Skram, E., 247 267 268 331 333 335 346 355 363 367 368 376 377 437
Snoilsky, C., 139
Sokrates, 57 59 102 174 179
Sparre, S., 277
Stangerup, H., 414 427 433
Steenstrup, K., 122
Storm Bisted, J. W., 40 201 413
Strindberg, A., 247 251 262 264 275 384
Stuckenberg, V., 67 270 277 289 290 357 363 364 374 410 434
Suso, 58
Svejstrup, H., 75
Sverdrup, J., 165
Swift, J., 171
Søiberg, H., 21 89 411
Tauler, J., 58 90
Thomas a Kempis, 56
Thomsen, Einar, 165
Thomsen, Ejnar, 420 434 436
Tidemand, O. W., 416
Tietgen, C. F., 364
Tigerschiöld, B., 435
Tolstoj, L., 206-211 218 395 396 429
Topsøe, V., 247 248
Tornøe, Fr., 201 413 415
Trandberg, P. C., 419
Trier, E., 77
Turgenev, I., 395
Tuxen, J. C., 421
Vedel, V., 21 22 152 270 357 365 366 367 377 384 412 440
Wengel, M., 435
Verkade, J., 58 59 383 416
Wessel, J. H., 296
Wilde, O., 215
Wilkens, C., 412
Winther, C., 190 195 201 207 208 241 327 342 370 373 428 440
Woel, C., 427 436 442
Wulff, C. V., 415
Zola, E., 271 273 342 373 380 438
Østrup, J., 413


Summary in English

Henrik Pontoppidan (1857-1943), Danish prose writer and creator of the greatest novel-achievements of his country in the years 1880-1920, is generally looked upon as an extrospective naturalist, concentrated on depicting scenes of national life, lashing the weaknesses of his countrymen, satirizing various aspects of the social, political and religious conditions. This is not untrue, but it does not tell the whole truth about Pontoppidan, and, above all, it does not do justice to the depth and complexity of his work.

In a letter dating from his old age, he has written: "My production was, from the beginning to the end, a wholly private discussion with myself." The stern critic, who never seized to scourge the tame and humble spirit of the Danes, their romanticism, traditionalism and devout clericalism, was, at bottom, harshest to himself. For him, this spirit was an intrusive reality, and deep down in his heart he recognized his "complicity".

He belonged to the generation coming after the breaking-through of the modern ideas inaugurated by the famous literary critic Georg Brandes. Some years after his first appearance in public (1881), he became friends both with Georg Brandes and with his brother Edvard, and for some time, he was, among Danish fictionists, the most prominent representative of the new "European" radicalism. But he could never escape the consciousness of being deeply rooted in Danish soil – he belonged to an old and distinguished family of clergymen, the members of which had preached in the churches all over the country since the Reformation. Furthermore, he grew up in a profoundly pious home where sixteen children were born and where his father, a vicar in Jutland, impressed his many sons with his independent and uncompromising character. Already as a boy Henrik revolted against the ecclesiastical tradition which was embodied in the personage of his father, and decided to be an engineer, the man of the new era. But soon after his father's death, when he was just up for his final examination, he broke with that career and began to write. In the mighty production he now started, the Christian aspects always maintained their predominant place.

The present study, which is greatly indebted to the late professor Vilhelm Andersen, sets out from the conviction that Pontoppidan's national satire is nearly always balanced by self-examination and self-criticism. He 464 was an ardent advocate of consistency and constancy, adopting in these respects the claims of Kierkegaard and Ibsen, but he became more and more aware of the fact that every matter could be looked upon under a double aspect. His intense interest in moral questions forced him to enter into the thinking and ideals of those whom he criticized most violently. Out of these discords he formed the essence of his work. There was in his writing a constant alternation between the outward criticism and the inward debate. Pontoppidan's dilemma consisted in constantly seeking the Absolute and being at the same time aware of the relativity of all human ideals. It is chiefly this split attitude the work here presented is intended to investigate.

The introduction of the treatise gives a brief outline of the general problems which the reader of Pontoppidan's novels has to face. It emphasizes the remarkable dissension among the critics both as to the quality and to the meaning of his works and settles the primary principles of the investigation to follow. The latter has been concentrated into five domains which were all of cardinal urgency to Pontoppidan.

The first chapter, Religion and Christianity, treats the lifelong anticlerical campaign in Pontoppidan's writings. He seems to have given up the Christian faith of his childhood very early, but nevertheless there is a poignant problem of theodicy in his pioneering social novels from the Eighties. The desperate conditions he witnessed among the crofters of North Sealand became another proof of the non-existence of a merciful God. The attitude of the clergy to the need of these people formed the basis of his criticism of the national church, both of the orthodox section and of the Grundtvigians. But towards the end of the decade, a reverse tendency seems to be manifested in his thinking. From the little and overlooked novel Spøgelser (Ghosts) he expresses his doubts as to the importance of things temporal and material. From now on he is intensely involved in the question of what could be the original meaning and essence of Christianity. The only form he can accept is the one which disclaims any connection with the world and its affairs. There are several signs pointing to his having a psychological disposition towards the ascetic ideals. Consequently, it is chiefly the secular and social ambitions of the church which become the butt of his accusations. Confronted with the unorthodox religiousness of liberal Christianity he, in the midst of his passionate anticlerical camping, shows a paradoxical sympathy for the old, absolute creed, which does not compromise with the world.

The second chapter, Inheritance and Destiny, principally deals with Pontoppidan's great novel Lykke-Per (Lucky Peter) which is a remarkable 465 hybrid between a national satire and a personal account. It is the history of a clergyman's son who tries to emancipate himself from the traditions, but who is forced to surrender to the powers against which he once revolted. It is shown that the belief in Fortune, which is implied in the title and which forms the outstanding irony of the book had a very intimate background. Peter the fortunate who seeks success all over the world ends as a hermit. In his desolate existence in a God-forsaken part of Jutland he ultimately finds the great luck he has hunted all his life. It has been considered that this finale is ironical, but should this be so, there is probably a great deal of self-irony in it. A fatalism connected with that of Lykke-Per is found in the last of Pontoppidan's grand novels De Dødes Rige (The Realm of the Dead), where it is reflected in some of the principal figures, first of all in Torben Dihmer, the sick proprietor who is cured of his disease by a miracle drug but who later on renounces this remedy because he does not want to struggle against his destiny.

The third chapter calls attention to the very complicated and fundamental problem "nature versus civilisation" in Pontoppidan's life and writing. There was a constant, fruitful interaction between these two forces. In fact, nature played a more considerable part to Pontoppidan than perhaps for any of his contemporaries in Denmark. To him it was not only a scenery but a problem which he discussed in a series of books. The religious background can be found here too; Pontoppidan's religiousness finds a most remarkable expression in his sensibility to the voice of nature. He had sparkingly rallied rousseauism and nature-worship in the Danish upper classes, but the question was imbued with a personal conflict: in his young days he himself had been a believer in the healing force of nature. After the collapse of his studies he had moved out into the country and had married a peasant girl. It turned out an illusion, and Pontoppidan returned to Copenhagen, where he was engaged in journalistic labour in a Brandes paper, under the pen-name of Urbanus. This development is reflected in Det forjættede Land1, which is at the same time a tragedy, a national satire and a self-analysis, just as Lykke-Per. In the continuous rivalry between romanticism and realism which constitutes one of the characteristics of Pontoppidan's production, nature and civilisation are engaged as two opposite poles.

Pontoppidan was in many respects a man of two minds, alloying in his work bitter scepticism with lofty idealism. How this psychologically puzzling process worked can be studied fruitfully in what he wrote about man and woman. The forth chapter investigates his love fiction from this point of view. It is shown here, how mockery and irony conceal a deep 466 earnest. His contributions to the very active Scandinavian discussion of these questions were generally written in opposition against the leading thoughts of the age, especially those expressed by the great Norwegian authors Ibsen and Bjørnson. He was certainly deeply impressed by his mighty predecessors, but he nevertheless opposed their dominating influence in Denmark all his life. This reaction was another of the characteristics of Pontoppidan: what he attacked had very often played a positive part in his own life. – In his young days he wrote the comedy and the tragicomedy of love, aiming his shaft at public morality and satirizing the cult of the high-pitched feelings; contrasting the prose and the poetry of life in a bewildering way. But he could never free himself of the adventurous dreams of his youth, the great expectations of the fullness of life and love. So his satires are never unmingled, they always contain elements of sympathy and fellow-feeling with those satirized.

Pontoppidan's erotic psychology more and more concentrated upon the matrimonial institution and its social, individual and ethical implications. In this essay it is shown how he developed his thesis of the attraction of the contrasts. Discreetly but affectingly he confessed the background of his idea in Det forjættede Land, in the history of Emanuel Hansted and his bride, the peasant girl Hansine. In a series of small stories, where the author's keen unconventionalism is evidenced, the death of love in marriage is the heart of the matter. In one single book, Det ideale Hjem (The ideal Home), Pontoppidan operated with revolutionary alternatives which might replace marriage and establish a new form of cohabitation, but mostly his tragical and sceptical temperament dorainates, leaving no way out of the dilemma.

The main purpose of the concluding chapter is to investigate how Pontoppidan's complex nature reacted to the artistic tendencies of the age in which he lived. When he made his debut he was quite on a line with the most advanced literary technique of this period, the refined and elaborated styles of J. P. Jacobsen, Herman Bang and Alexander Kielland. But gradually he becomes more and more negligent of the artistic code, indeed a light element of parody and pastiche enters his small novels of the late Eighties. He came to literature from a materialistic and matter-of-fact adolescence, and in many respects he remained something of an outsider, observing his belletristic colleagues with an ironic glint in his eye.

Pontoppidan had been the initiator of the social naturalism in Denmark – with books as Landsbybilleder (Pictures from the Countryside) and Fra Hytterne (From the Huts), but almost at the same time he had puzzled his readers with stories of a melancholy and lyric tune, certainly not 467 without a mystifying irony, but indicating that the author was much of a romantic. How this intermediate position between romanticism and realism was manifested theoretically during the change of climate in Danish literature about 1890 is examined in a following part of the chapter.

The anti-æsthetic tendencies culminate in the above-mentioned great novels, which were written in the years 1891-1917, bringing the author a part of the Nobel Prize in 1917. Now, his years of training have come to an end, now he emancipates himself from many of the literary trends of his age, forming a simple, straightforward diction, which renounces every coquetry and embellishment. This style, which became more and more transparent, was often reproached for being old-fashioned and inartistic, but was considered by others to be the model of an adequate epic style. The stylistic simplicity and openness of these novels, however, are neutralized by the noteworthy balance kept up between those performing, their ideas, ideals and outlooks on life. In Pontoppidan's case the purely stylistic viewpoints prove more than generally insufficient as a quality-criterion.

[1] Det forjættede Land: i.e. "The Promised Land". tilbage