
1857Henrik Pontoppidan born in Fredericia, Denmark, July 24.
1863 Pontoppidan's father accepts a call to Randers.
1873 Pontoppidan completes secondary schooling in Randers; goes to Copenhagen to study at the Polytechnical Institute.
1877 Successfully completes Part I of his studies in engineering.
1879 Withdraws from the Polytechnical Institute; teaches (until 1882) at his brother Morten's folk-high-school, first in Frerslev, then in Hjørlunde, on the island of Zealand.
1880 Serves one summer with Danish army, corps of engineers.
1881 Makes his literary debut with the story "Et Endeligt" ("The End of a Life") in the journal Ude og Hjemme (Sept.); publishes a collection of short stories, Stækkede Vinger (Clipped Wings); and marries Mette Marie Hansen (Dec.).
1883 Publishes Sandinge Menighed (Sandinge Parish) a novel, and Landsbybilleder (Village Sketches), a collection of short stories.
1885 Ung Elskov (Young Love), short novel.
1886 Mimoser (Mimosas), short novel.
1887 Fra Hytterne (From the Huts), short stories; Isbjørnen (The Polar Bear), short novel; contributes (until 1889) to Copenhagen daily Politiken.
1888 Spøgelser (Ghosts), short novel.
1890 Skyer (Clouds), short stories; Reisebilder aus Dänemark, travel guide (in German); Natur (Nature), two novellas; Krøniker (Chronicles), parables.
1891Muld (Sod), first volume of the trilogy Det forjættede Land; contributes to Copenhagen daily Kjøbenhavns Børstidende.
1892 Det forjættede Land (The Promised Land), second volume of the trilogy by that title; Pontoppidan divorced; marries Antoinette C. E. Kofoed.
1893 Minder (Memories), short novel.
1894 Nattevagt (Night Watch), Den gamle Adam (The Old Adam), both short novels.
1895 Dommens Dag (Judgment Day), third volume of the trilogy Det forjættede Land.
1896 Højsang (Hymn), short novel.
1898Lykke-Per, hans Ungdom (Lykke-Per, His Youth) and Lykke-Per finder Skatten (Lykke-Per Finds the Treasure), volumes I and II of Lykke-Per.
1899Lykke-Per, hans Kærlighed (Lykke-Per, His Love) and Lykke-Per i det Fremmede (Lykke-Per Abroad).
1900 Lille Rødhætte (Little Red Riding Hood), Det ideale Hjem (The Ideal Home), both short novels.
1901Lykke-Per, hans store Værk (Lykke-Per, His Great Work).
1902De vilde Fugle (The Wild Birds), a dramatization of Højsang; Lykke-Per og hans Kæreste (Lykke-Per and his Fiancée).
1903Lykke-Per, hans Rejse til Amerika (Lykke-Per, His Journey to America).
1904Lykke-Per, hans sidste Kamp (Lykke-Per, His Last Battle), concluding volume of Lykke-Per.
1905 Lykke-Per rewritten in three volumes; Borgmester Hoeck og Hustru (Mayor Hoeck and Wife), short novel.
1906 Asgaardrejen (The Wild Huntsman), play.
1907Det store Spøgelse (The Great Apparition), novella; Hans Kvast og Melusine (Merry Andrew and Melusina), short novel.
1908Den kongelige Gæst (The Royal Guest), short novel.
1912Torben og Jytte (Torben and Jytta), volume I of De Dødes Rige (The Realm of the Dead).
1913Storeholt, volume II of De Dødes Rige.
1914Toldere og Syndere (Publicans and Sinners), volume III of De Dødes Rige; Thora van Deken, a dramatization of Lille Rødhætte; Kirken og dens Mænd (The Church and its Men).
1915Enslevs Død (Enslev's Death), volume IV of De Dødes Rige.
1916Favsingholm, concluding volume of De Dødes Rige.
1917Pontoppidan shares Nobel Prize for Literature with Karl Gjellerup (1857-1919).
1918Lykke-Per rewritten in two volumes; Et Kærlighedseventyr (A Love Story), short novel.
1920En Vinterrejse (A Winter Journey), travel book.
1927Mands Himmerig (Man's Heaven), novel.
1933Drengeaar (Boyhood Years), memoirs.
1936Hamskifte (Sloughing), memoirs.
1938Arv og Gæld (Inheritance and Debt), memoirs.
1940Familjeliv (Family Life), memoirs.
1943Undervejs til mig selv (Underway to myself), a revision of the first four volumes of memoirs; Pontoppidan dies in Charlottenlund, a suburb of Copenhagen, August 21.