By P.M. Mitchell
1857 | Henrik Pontoppidan born in Fredericia, Denmark, July 24. |
1863 | Pontoppidan's father accepts a call to Randers. |
1873 | Pontoppidan completes secondary schooling in Randers; goes to Copenhagen to study at the Polytechnical Institute. |
1877 | Successfully completes Part I of his studies in engineering. |
1879 | Withdraws from the Polytechnical Institute; teaches (until 1882) at his brother Morten's folk-high-school, first in Frerslev, then in Hjørlunde, on the island of Zealand. |
1880 | Serves one summer with Danish army, corps of engineers. |
1881 | Makes his literary debut with the story "Et Endeligt" ("The End of a Life") in the journal Ude og Hjemme (Sept.); publishes a collection of short stories, Stækkede Vinger (Clipped Wings); and marries Mette Marie Hansen (Dec.). |
1883 | Publishes Sandinge Menighed (Sandinge Parish) a novel, and Landsbybilleder (Village Sketches), a collection of short stories. |
1885 | Ung Elskov (Young Love), short novel. |
1886 | Mimoser (Mimosas), short novel. |
1887 | Fra Hytterne (From the Huts), short stories; Isbjørnen (The Polar Bear), short novel; contributes (until 1889) to Copenhagen daily Politiken. |
1888 | Spøgelser (Ghosts), short novel. |
1890 | Skyer (Clouds), short stories; Reisebilder aus Dänemark, travel guide (in German); Natur (Nature), two novellas; Krøniker (Chronicles), parables. |
1891 | Muld (Sod), first volume of the trilogy Det forjættede Land; contributes to Copenhagen daily Kjøbenhavns Børstidende. |
1892 | Det forjættede Land (The Promised Land), second volume of the trilogy by that title; Pontoppidan divorced; marries Antoinette C. E. Kofoed. |
1893 | Minder (Memories), short novel. |
1894 | Nattevagt (Night Watch), Den gamle Adam (The Old Adam), both short novels. |
1895 | Dommens Dag (Judgment Day), third volume of the trilogy Det forjættede Land. |
1896 | Højsang (Hymn), short novel. |
1898 | Lykke-Per, hans Ungdom (Lykke-Per, His Youth) and Lykke-Per finder Skatten (Lykke-Per Finds the Treasure), volumes I and II of Lykke-Per. |
1899 | Lykke-Per, hans Kærlighed (Lykke-Per, His Love) and Lykke-Per i det Fremmede (Lykke-Per Abroad). |
1900 | Lille Rødhætte (Little Red Riding Hood), Det ideale Hjem (The Ideal Home), both short novels. |
1901 | Lykke-Per, hans store Værk (Lykke-Per, His Great Work). |
1902 | De vilde Fugle (The Wild Birds), a dramatization of Højsang; Lykke-Per og hans Kæreste (Lykke-Per and his Fiancée). |
1903 | Lykke-Per, hans Rejse til Amerika (Lykke-Per, His Journey to America). |
1904 | Lykke-Per, hans sidste Kamp (Lykke-Per, His Last Battle), concluding volume of Lykke-Per. |
1905 | Lykke-Per rewritten in three volumes; Borgmester Hoeck og Hustru (Mayor Hoeck and Wife), short novel. |
1906 | Asgaardrejen (The Wild Huntsman), play. |
1907 | Det store Spøgelse (The Great Apparition), novella; Hans Kvast og Melusine (Merry Andrew and Melusina), short novel. |
1908 | Den kongelige Gæst (The Royal Guest), short novel. |
1912 | Torben og Jytte (Torben and Jytta), volume I of De Dødes Rige (The Realm of the Dead). |
1913 | Storeholt, volume II of De Dødes Rige. |
1914 | Toldere og Syndere (Publicans and Sinners), volume III of De Dødes Rige; Thora van Deken, a dramatization of Lille Rødhætte; Kirken og dens Mænd (The Church and its Men). |
1915 | Enslevs Død (Enslev's Death), volume IV of De Dødes Rige. |
1916 | Favsingholm, concluding volume of De Dødes Rige. |
1917 | Pontoppidan shares Nobel Prize for Literature with Karl Gjellerup (1857-1919). |
1918 | Lykke-Per rewritten in two volumes; Et Kærlighedseventyr (A Love Story), short novel. |
1920 | En Vinterrejse (A Winter Journey), travel book. |
1927 | Mands Himmerig (Man's Heaven), novel. |
1933 | Drengeaar (Boyhood Years), memoirs. |
1936 | Hamskifte (Sloughing), memoirs. |
1938 | Arv og Gæld (Inheritance and Debt), memoirs. |
1940 | Familjeliv (Family Life), memoirs. |
1943 | Undervejs til mig selv (Underway to myself), a revision of the first four volumes of memoirs; Pontoppidan dies in Charlottenlund, a suburb of Copenhagen, August 21. |